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Προβολή ανακοίνωσης


Funded PhD Positions/Call for Applications


Funded PhD Positions/Call for Applications



The International Max Planck Research School for Successful Dispute Resolution in International Law (IMPRS-SDR) is a doctoral school located in Heidelberg (Germany) and Luxembourg.

Founded in 2009, the Research School’s aim is to examine and analyse different mechanisms for solving international disputes. The participating institutions are the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law, Heidelberg University, the University of Luxembourg, the Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law, and the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (both in Heidelberg).

In cooperation with the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, the IMPRS-SDR runs an internship program in international arbitration for its doctoral students.

Ten PhD positions are available from June 1, 2015. An additional five positions will become available in January 2016. Applicants who are admitted to the IMPRS-SDR will pursue their research within the framework of the Research School. The IMPRS-SDR will offer funding in the form of scholarships and research contracts to its new members.

The deadline for applications is April 1, 2015. To view the complete call for applications, please visit http://www.mpi.lu/imprs-sdr/

HT: http://conflictoflaws.net/2015/funded-phd-positionscall-for-applications/